CNNs for NLP
I’ve always believed that a better way to learn things is to explain them to others. It’s part of why I teach in college. When I started thinking about the merits of a blog, writing about more technical things as a way to ground concepts for myself was definitely a plus. \
This semester, I’m taking CS 287R, a class at Harvard that deals with NLP and increasingly deep learning. Aside from this class, there are also
Think of filters as ways to build up higher-level features, which can then aid in classification at the end
Location Invariance
- Convolutions just slide over entire image. Doesn’t matter where objects occur. Pooling
Filters compose local patch of lower-level features to higher level ones. Pixels $\rightarrow$ edges $\rightarrow$ shapes $\rightarrow$ objects
Input for NLP = sentences, documents in a matrix.
- Each row is one token (word / character)
- Vectors are word embeddings (low-dimension representations) or one-hot vectors (word is index in vocab)
- e.g. 10 word sentence w/ 100D embedding $\rightarrow 10 \times 100$ as input
NLP, use filters that are same width as image. Height / region size is based on number of words (2 - 5) typical.
- Filters are not usually square then. Also can be variable height. * Feature maps will be (height $\times$ 1). Example:
$$7 \times 5 \rightarrow (2 \times 5, 3 \times 5, 4 \times 5) \rightarrow (6 \times 1, 5 \times 1, 4 \times 1) $$
Then max pool $\rightarrow$ takes the largest value. Then concatenate. Final softmax takes this feature, uses it to classify.
Location invariance and compositionality don’t apply obviously?
- It does matter where words are. Also words build up, not obvious how so like pixels to edges.
- CNNs still work? Motivation for RNNs
Why CNNs
- Very fast, efficient in representation. Conv filters leran good reps automatically w/o represented entire vocab
CNN parameters
Zero Padding
Can help preserve shape of feature map. In general, output size is $$n_{\text{out}} = (n_{\text{in}} - n_{\text{filter size}} + 2n_{\text{padding_size}}) / n_{\text{stride}} + 1$$
- Especially apparent around the edges. How to capture them?
Stride size
Larger stride leads to fewer applications of filter and smaller output.
- Larger stride size helps build model similar to RNN / looks like a tree?
- In practice stride is 1
Subsample their input. Common: max operation to each filter. Can also just pool over a window.
- Fixed size output matrix (req. for classification)
- 1000 filters, with max pooling to each $\rightarrow$ 1000 output (regardless of filter or input size)
Max pool helps retain info for if feature appeared in sentence
- Lose info on where it appeared. This is still useful, but tradeoff. (Sim. to bag of words). Lose global info about locality, but keep local info caught by filters.
Different views of input data (r, g, b) for images.
- Separate channels could be useful for different embeddings.
- [Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks for NLP - Denny Britz]
- Anecdote shared by Kanjun Qin, founder at Sourceress.